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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saya happy bersama MEREKA!!

Asslamulaikum n haluuu...
to my dearest blog.sorry for neglecting you for a few week?err..a few week?alahh kecoh la kau!orang lain dah berbulan tak updatee blog..kecoh laa lu nie..amboi..hihi
i'm here to update my blog.so yeah,i'm just came back from Camp 'SEMANIS GADIS,SEHEBAT TERUNA'Whooaahh!tagline camp tu dah mcm lain mcm berbeno dah bila org dgr.gembira di sana with my datins.MEmang selalu dgn dyorang.happy with my 1 PIECE group.the leader is SOfi karim from economy class,baby the assistant.Kitorang dpt abg Haris jadi fasi kitorang.Abg tu dari Unisza,terengganu.Hve fun with them.NO gado2..Exploracenye pun best.Tp yg tak bestnye camp tu 2 hari je..kejap sgt..tak puas lagi nak bercamp dgn gang kitorang.N next destination,we'll be going to FRIM,bukit kepong,n sarawak for nx year.Insyallah.OUH ya..lupa nak bagitahu nx week dah start training for new prefect.wish me luck okayy... The camp was awesome.Like seriously, i miss being there again ;)

Activity:Watching secret garden with my lovely sis..=)
Thanks for visiting unni!